BRIGHTON – Electric vehicles are becoming all the rage as consumers seek to break their dependence on expensive gasoline and also create a smaller carbon footprint. But can an electric grid that’s already strained under increased demand from manufacturing, indoor horticultural and overtaxed Internet data centers still be able to charge tens of millions of EVs everyday? Entrepreneur Steve Bratic doesn’t believe so.
Bratic has developed a charging POD that runs on natural gas, battery, and even solar energy and is not connected to the electric grid. EV Charging POD LLC’s shipping containers will provide commercial and industrial businesses with revenue-generating electric charging services for their customers.
Bratic’s containers include solar panels on the roof or adjacent that charges a battery inside that handles account verification, security, and payment processing all through 5G technology. More carbon neutral natural gas generates the electricity for charging.
“This solution is 100 percent off-grid,” Bratic said. “It can trickle charge, intermediate charge, and fast charge. And it can become a profit center for parking garages, restaurants, universities, shopping malls and office buildings.”
Containers can range in size from 10 feet to 80 feet, depending upon the amount of electricity needed. Each unit is custom designed for customers’ needs, Bratic said.
A trickle charge takes about eight hours to bring an EV battery to 100 percent, he said. An intermediate charge takes from two to three hours. A fast charge takes 45 minutes to one hour to get an EV to the 75 to 100 percent range. Basic containers provide 35,000 watts (or 35kW) for a trickle charge. The biggest container can provide a 10 million watts (10 Mega Watts) of electricity for 30 fast charges.
“We’re announcing pre-orders now,” Bratic said. “I can take orders for the smaller unit now. Bigger units have more engineering and design work, which can take up to eight to twelve months to build.”
Bratic can provide low-cost financing as well.
“My systems will be better from a carbon-emissions stand point than the grid in DTE territory until 2030.”
Get details at www.Bratic.Energy. Or telephone Steve at 248-842-1480.
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