Employee volunteerism has become an essential component of a company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) and employee engagement strategies.
In this episode of The sgENGAGE Podcast, Melissa Hackmeier, head of employee & community engagement at MilliporeSigma, the U.S. and Canada Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, discusses how she launched SPARK™, the company’s first-ever volunteer program. She also shares best practices and lessons she’s learned along the way.
MilliporeSigma's SPARK™ volunteer program is the foundation of its employee and community engagement strategy, and it allows employees to leverage their time, passion and expertise to make a difference in their communities. At the heart of SPARK™ is the company's Curiosity Labs™ program, which educates and inspires students around the globe through hands-on, interactive science lessons led by employees, and the Curiosity Cube®, a retrofitted shipping container turned mobile science lab that is currently traveling around the globe to spark curiosity in nearly 50,000 students.
Listen in on sgENGAGE’s website to hear Melissa talk with host Rachel Hutchisson about the keys to engaging employees, securing executive buy-in, and how technology can help enable a program’s success.